Some pdf and power point documents contain animations. The pdf embedded animations will often play with Adobe Reader, but the animations also provided as separate mp4 files. Some Power Point documents with animations have been converted to pdf. Those pdf documents will not contain animations.
Notes from Day 1: (pdf)
Workshop Welcome: Marshall Galbraith (pdf)
Farshad Navah, McGill University (pdf)
Mesh Generation
Steven Karman, Pointwise (pdf)
Peter Eiseman, GridPro (pptx, pdf)
CS1 - Inviscid Bow Shock
Introduction and Summary: Soctt Murman, NASA Ames (pdf)
Ben Couchman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (pdf)
Jean-Marie Le Gouez, ONERA (pdf, abstract)
Andrew Corrigan, U. S. Naval Research Laboratory (pdf, pptx)
Matthew Zahr, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (pdf, mp4)
CS2 - Inviscid Strong Vortex-Shock Wave Interaction
Introduction and Summary: Chongam Kim, Seoul National University (pptx, pdf)
Hojun You, Seoul National University (pptx, pdf)
Philip E. Johnson, University of Michigan (pdf)
Qilin Lu, University of Kansas (pptx, pdf)
CL1 - Heaving and Pitching Airfoil
Introduction and Summary: Per-Olof Persson, University of California Berkeley, (pdf, case1.mp4, cas2.mp4, cas3.mp4)
Verification: Krzysztof J. Fidkowski, University of Michigan (pdf)
CR1- Common Research Model
Introduction and Summary: Marshall Galbraith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (pdf)
Marshall Galbraith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (pdf)
Ryan Glasby, University of Tennessee (pdf)
Behzad Ahrabi, University of Wyoming (pdf)
Michael Brazell, University of Wyoming (pdf)
CS1 - Tandem Spheres
Introduction: Ryan Glasby, University of Tennessee (pdf) (summary In progress) WS1 summary (pdf)
Ryan Glasby, University of Tennessee (pdf)
Yifei Xue, University of Kansas (pptx, pdf)
Johan Jansson, KTH (pdf, mp4, mp4, mp4, mp4)
Philip E. Johnson, University of Michigan (pptx, pdf)
Marian Zastawny, Siemens (http)
CS2 - T106 LPT Cascade
Introduction and Summary: Koen Hillewaert (pdf)
Pablo Fernandez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (pdf)
MC1 - High-Lift Common Research Model
Introduction and Summary: Behzad Ahrabi, University of Wyoming (pptx, pdf)
Michael Brazell, University of Wyoming (pdf)
Ryan Glasby, University of Tennessee (pdf)
infocenaero [dot] be (info[at]cenaero[dot]be)