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CS2 - T106 LPT Cascades


Test case leader: 

Koen Hillewaert (Cenaero)


Jean-Sébastien Cagnone


koen [dot] hillewaertatcenaero [dot] be (koen[dot]hillewaert[at]cenaero[dot]be)

infoatcenaero [dot] be (info[at]cenaero[dot]be)


This test case concerns the spanwise periodic DNS or LES of the transitional and separated flow on the T106A and T106C subsonic turbine cascades. These are well-known test cases for assessing transition models for low Reynolds numbers. The first test case concerns the T106A at Re=60.000, while the T106C is computed at Re=80.000. As the inlet turbulence is very low, both flows feature laminar separation and transition in the reattachment zone or in the wake.

Although mesh configurations are fully free, cascade CAD files (igs, stp) as well as curved meshes (unstructured and extruded triangular/quadrilateral) can be provided on request.

Features and challenges: 

Curved geometry

Unsteady flow

Subsonic flow

Transitional flow

Turbulent flow

Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)

Large Eddy Simulation (LES)

Results from previous editions: